(Above: A puddle-ridden driveway – result of the day’s saturation.)

morning visit to the gardens.
Active Summary: This morning I awoke to the sound of rain pattering against the top of Jacobhouse. It did not last very long, for I was soon able to venture outdoors and perform the daily beef pasture check with Padre via Segway. This was ensued by much writing in the Master Blend freezer room and then by my preparing baked potatoes for lunch. I next visited the studio for a little while before finishing up lunch preparations (cutting up a massive watermelon). Lunch itself was comprised of a baked potato, a garden-market salad, and the aforementioned melon.
(5:43 PM Update:) Early afternoon activities consisted of my preparing ‘Picanaha-Short-Ribs’ for later*, premixing some pastry dough for a lunch idea in the near future, resting in the Jacobhouse bed as a swathe of rain pelted the roof, and reading some more ‘Babbitt’ by Sinclair Lewis. This was followed by my venturing outdoors. Again, it had stopped raining, so the ensuing afternoon activities were not too much of a hassle. These tasks included: tending to the bovines, helping a Master Blend customer, fixing a fence that had been broken by a beastly Belgian Blue (who had been frightened by someone running an airboat nearby), and performing a pasture check. Now I am completing most of this day’s entry before heading back to Jacobhouse to prepare some dinner.
Final Note: This evening’s repast will likely consist of beef short ribs, polenta, garden-grown string beans, and fresh Padre-made bread. Pictures of the meal shall be posted tomorrow. In the meantime, here are images I took during the preparation.
*Short ribs cooked in the same way that I would cook Picanha.