(Above: A line of verdurous tomatoes now affixed to the garden fence.)
Active Summary: This day began with calisthenics, writing, and checking the beef pasture with Padre. I next decided to experiment with barley in the Jacobhouse Kitchen. As the barley & chocolate ‘granola’ chunks cooked and then cooled, I wrote for a while longer. Writing was ensued by my putting together a Master Blend order and rearranging the freezers. To finish the morning, I helped Padre harvest some kale for the lunch salad, sent out a number of beef-related invoices, and I grilled up some delicious Angus burger-steaks.

(6:28 PM Update:) This afternoon consisted of my tending to four different beef customers within the span of half an hour, helping with bovine-related activities (feeding/catching bovines, checking calves for ailments, and performing the evening beef pasture check with Padre), filling 12 more Moo-Magic bags, and completing some Master Blend bookkeeping and inventory management.
Final Note (7:57 PM): After writing the prior update, I cleaned up the Master Blend freezer room (removed some painter’s tape, put away tools / extra parts, etc.) and worked on Jacobhouse’s garden for a little while. During the latter activity, I tied the tomato plants to Garden #1’s fence, and I sowed a number of the Jewels of Opar sprouts. After concluding the plant tending, I flipped the Master Blend sign to closed and am now finishing up this entry before eating a dinner of what will likely be bread, kale, and watermelon.