(Pictured above:) The bullock’s next door have departed the field south of Jacobhouse for a much wider and greener pasture.
Building Summary: Today I fixed up the fence just south of Jacobhouse, and I visited with George the Electrician from Advanced Electric & Security. George gave us a few great ideas, and he told me how I could next proceed with the project (building the vent-space and attaching the stove-hood). He will be sending an estimate* for wiring Jacobhouse quite soon.
Commentary: The morning meeting with George was insightful, and it granted me knowledge of what I’m supposed to work on next. Finding out what to work on next is always a highlight, so that’s where I shall begin.
Today’s second highlight occurred in form of an idea in regard to wiring in the refrigerator. George suggested that instead of floor mounting or attaching it to the container’s wall, we could instead put the outlet into the closet space between the kitchen and bathroom. It was such a revelation that Padre and I both wondered how we could not have had it previously. I ended up surmising that it was because we were thinking ‘outside the walls’ (as is the way of building in a reefer unit) whereas electricians have been trained to think ‘inside the walls’.
The third highlight occurred when I showed George the appliances that will be going into Jacobhouse. He seemed happy with all of them, but the best bit was showing him the ventless washer/dryer. He had never seen one before, and the first thing out of his mouth was; “This thing washes and dries at the same time?” We all knew what he meant, and where I was going to simply nod politely in response, Padre couldn’t help but pick on the poor guy a bit. I like to think we more than made up for this shenaniganry, though, by providing George with a cooler and two packs of our Master Blend ground beef.
Final Note: I know I’ve already stated as much in a previous entry, but the next step is to order supplies from Zoro. I need to acquire self-tapping screws (for installing the vent space and the remaining floor boards), the bathroom fan, the lighting fixtures, and likely something else that I am not thinking of at the moment**.
*(9:00 PM Update) We have received this estimate. Earlier, I thought it would be close to $2,000 for wiring Jacobhouse. Throughout the day, though, I raised that estimate higher. It’s always good to overestimate versus underestimate and be pleasantly surprised. Alas, even my estimate of $3,000 fell short, for it ended up being somewhere upward of $4,200. What I’m thinking of doing is seeing how much $1,500 – $2,000 can get me, and being there for it (so I can learn how to do some of the wiring myself).
**It’s well past the 12-hour point, and Jacob-brain requires recharge time.
Additional note: The FedEx contest is going on for another month, and voting reopens every 24-hours. If you have time, please feel free to vote for Master Blend Cattle Company here. Thanks!