Building Summary: Today I measured, marked, and with Padre’s help, cut the angled piece of plywood for the bathroom’s southwestern portion of floor. It ended up being a very snug fit. After that, I notched and holed both the ‘vanity plank’ for beneath the bathroom sink, and the ‘privy plank*’ for beneath the toilet. They, like the original board, fit quite nicely, and now the entire bathroom floor** is ready to be fastened down.
Commentary: Efficiency has been applied once more in Jacobhouse. On the first day of flooring the bathroom, I took all the measurements, and on the second, third, and fourth, the marks were drawn and the cuts were made. That means that tomorrow I get to begin if not complete the fastening all in one go. That will likely be quite a satisfying experience.
That’s not to say that today’s activities weren’t satisfying in some shape or form. No, just the opposite. I experienced two perfect fits this day. One was the plank at the southwestern portion of the bathroom – the angle board – and the other was a 1″ segment that was placed all the way to eastern side so as to narrow the gap between the southernmost and the southeastern planks. Now, all the gaps between the bathroom floor’s plywood sheets are no more than 1/16 of an inch.
Bonus Highlight: After yesterday’s success of catching a clover/mushroom time lapse, I decided to see if I could improve upon the prior work by taking pictures from a more focused vantage. I think it worked.
Final Note: Tomorrow I will be fastening down the bathroom flooring. If I still have time afterward, I shall do as I stated yesterday and bring out, measure, and cut the ½” plywood for the kitchen’s eastern wall.
*Ended up needing to cut a larger hole in this board so there would be plenty of room for the flange. Thus, the circle was drawn by using the ‘Frog’ Painter’s Tape container, and it ended up working quite well.
**I should note that the closet plywood has not yet been cut. That will need to be done before the kitchen wall plank is fastened in place.