(Above: Somewhat extensive fleabeetle damage on the collard greens. Hopefully tomorrow’s treatment of water/rubbing alcohol/dish soap will help the plants survive this attack.)
Active Summary: This morning began with writing, a beef pasture check with Padre, and calisthenic exercises. 1 hour more writing was ensued by my cutting up a large watermelon and then by my venturing outdoors where I tended to a few activities, including: neatening up the freezer room, painting a couple outlets orange as well as around the frame for the south window, and weeding in garden #1 for about 20 minutes. To conclude morning activities, I prepared burger-steaks and grilled tomatoes for lunch.

(7:53 PM Update:) This afternoon I wrote for a while, rested, watched a couple cooking videos, and then headed outdoors to aid in myriad cattle-related shenanigans. These lattermost activities included: feeding bovines, catching multiple cows and calves for breeding and weaning (respectively), and checking the pastures for ailing animals. This was ensued by my making 14 Moo-Magic bags for the compost stand and then by my finishing up the paintwork in the Master Blend freezer room.
Final Note: After concluding today’s entry, I intend to walk over to the studio and enjoy a meal of leftover salad, tomato soup, and watermelon. This shall be ensued by leisure time and then by sleep. In regard to tomorrow’s activities, I have two planned that I am looking forward to: attempting to save the collards with a mix of water / alcohol / dish soap AND a delicious dinner at Mesa de Notte.