(Above: About one-third of the freezer room’s ceiling is now coated in white primer. I will end up painting the plenitude of cracks/corners with a brush.)
Active Summary: This morning began with a little bit of creative writing time and was then ensued by a frigid beef pasture check with Padre. We decided to return to Jacobhouse to have our morningly diet-sodas, and afterward, that is where I stayed to perform more creative writing and to make some Cuban bread dough.
At about 9:30 AM, I began the second part of my morning which consisted of collecting materials for, preparing, and beginning to paint the ceiling of the Master Blend freezer room. By the end of the morning, I had coated about one-fourth of the entire ceiling with white primer/paint.
(7:08 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with my baking the bread dough I made earlier on in the day* and writing a portion of this container log. This was followed by myriad cattle activities, a beef pasture check, and then by 25 minutes more painting. Now, about 1/3 of the freezer room’s ceiling is coated.
TIL: Today I learned how to roast turnips and turnip greens together. I simply poured prepared**/washed greens into a foil-lined roast pan, chopped up a couple turnips into small cubes, and dumped the cubes onto the vegetation. This was followed by the marinade – a mixture of ¼ cup olive oil, 4 tbsp of grated pecorino cheese, 1 tbsp of red pepper flakes, 1.5 tsp of kosher salt, and 1 tsp of garlic powder. After all of the vegetables and marinade were tossed together, I roasted them for about 60 minutes on 375 F. It could have probably cooked for a slightly shorter time – perhaps 50 minutes – but I did enjoy the mixture of crispified and limp leaves.
Commentary: It may have been cool – and at some points, frigid – outside today, but once again the sun’s presence has transformed the day into a pretty one. I should also note that living in a warm house has dramatically increased my enjoyment of cold weather. First, there’s the fact that I can actually regain a respectable core temperature in Jacobhouse, and secondly, I now bear the knowledge that ‘I will be actually be able to get warm later’. In other words, there mere knowing that I have a cozy dwelling-place to which I may return makes the chilly weather that much more bearable.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I will continue to paint the ceiling of the Master Blend freezer room.
*It should be noted that I had placed the bread dough into the fridge to rise more slowly. I cooked them after lunch (about 5 hours after putting them into the refrigerator) at 350 F for 35 minutes, and from what I have felt thus far, they are going to be some very soft loaves.
** Coarsely shredded.