(Above: Me, fresh out of my first [actual] shower within Jacobhouse.)
Building Summary: This day’s Jacobhouse activities consisted of two primary activities: fixing a small section of Allure Grip-Strip flooring that was raised up along one edge and beginning a list of basic items I would like to procure before (or shortly after) living in Jacobhouse.
(6:52 PM Update:) Old-house’s sewage system is presently backed up, so I decided to take a shower at Jacobhouse. It was a tremendously satisfying affair; the hot water was endless (on account of the instant hot water heater), and the small stall filled up with a generous amount of soothing steam. Also surprisingly refreshing was the ride up to Old-house afterward via Segway… the evaporating moisture was cause for a pleasant cooling sensation.
TIL: Today I learned how to rejoin grip-strip tile that has begun to come up. I thought the section I was repairing came up due to the uneven plywood surface (the join was off by 1/8″) directly below the seam, but when using a putty knife to lift up the edge, I also discovered that a hefty amount of dirt must have gotten in there whilst installing the floor*. Either way, to refasten the gripstrip, I found an online forum that directed me to: ‘use a heat gun set on high to reactivate the glue; this will work for cold and dirty flooring‘. Thus, I did as told, lifting the edge of the plank up with a putty knife whilst using a heat gun to blow in the crack. I roasted the floor a tad too much at one point, creating a slight dimple along the edge, but it is safe to say that the plank is now firmly adhered to its mate.
I also learned how much Terry and Alan Hendrickson charged for helping with the electric at Jacobhouse. Keep in mind that a certain electrical company in Ocala estimated that the task was going to cost $4,000 dollars. Either way, enough delaying. The total cost for supplies and labor ended up being ~ $1,170 with the Hendrickson crew, and to add to that, Alan and Terry taught Padre and I concepts that we will both remember for the rest of our lives. Worth.
Commentary: The ailment that my brother shared with me has really been quite rigorous today. I won’t go into detail about it, because I do not need to remember this event in the future.
Saying that, I did experience a noteworthy highlight today following the linoleum plank repair. Afterward, I was going to attach the panel-box cover over its intended location… but I decided not to due to the way that it was already difficult to remove (an effect of awesome measurement, no doubt). That wasn’t the highlight, though. Indeed, it was when I moved to begin the next task that I realized there really was no noteworthy tasks that remained to be accomplished. Certainly, I will need to install aluminum angle-stock trim on the wall corners at some point, but other than that, it seems that Jacobhouse construction is… complete?
The distinctive striped leg coloring can already be seen, but the orange hour-glasses have yet to appear.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I believe list making shall continue and item-procurement shall begin. Also, I plan on removing the brown-painted door so as to open room for the piano that I shall soon be transporting to my abode.
*I do seem to remember learning at one point to avoid stepping / tracking dirty socks over the Grip-Strip flooring early on in the process. Perhaps that area in front of the Closet-wall was where I learned it.