(Above: Baking the crumb. This is the peaquatato crumb whilst it was still baking in the oven.)
Active Summary: Today I woke up, performed calisthenic exercises, wrote for a little while, and then headed outdoors to perform the beef pasture check with Padre. This was followed by more writing and Master Blend inventory tallying / order management / customer correspondence at Jacobhouse and then by my venturing to the freezer room to organize the beef we got in yesterday. Throughout this time, I tended to two customers, set up a printer in the freezer room for printing out various price / inventory sheets, and shooed away a couple of especially messy spiders who had for some reason dragged a caterpillar indoors and made a vedurous explosion-mess all over the northwest doors. The morning was completed with a delicious lunch of Angus and Blue burger-steaks, some grilled creamer-potatoes, and a garden-fresh salad.

(6:54 PM Update:) Afternoon activities consisted of collecting notes on beef inventory, printing up price charts for customers, and tending to cattle-related activities (feeding / catching / weaning / IV’ing / etc.). Now I am typing the remainder of this portion of the entry while waiting for more price charts to print. Soon, it will be time to return to Jacobhouse where I will likely perform some form of cooking-related shenanigan involving peaches. I must remember to bring sour cream with me.
(7:58 PM Update:) I am now waiting for the peach-based delicacy to cook. It involved 6-7 diced Florida Peaches, ~15 loquats, 2 sweet potatoes, ¾ cup sour cream, ¾ cup sugar, ¼ cup flour, and 1 egg. The peaches were seasoned with some of the aforementioned sugar and about 1.5 teaspoons of cinnamon. If the peaches were of a different variety, I could probably have utilized less sugar, but Florida peaches seem to be inherently tart. Here is the picture of the final result:
Final Note: Tomorrow, I plan on collecting more inventory notes on the beef we have just gotten in. After that, I will likely return to working on the freezer room and school-related activities. I will also soon be devoting more time to writing, for I have seen marked progress in a certain bit of outlining. It looks like it has potential.
Two comments: dessert idea was terrific and tasted as such, the idea about the spider not so terrific