(Above: An image of the process by which I shrunk the kitchen sink’s orifice in Jacobhouse.)
Building Summary: This morning, my Jacobhouse activities consisted of cleaning up all remaining framing and equipment belonging to the concrete countertop exercise. This was followed by a couple hours of figuring out how to fill-in / slightly shrink the sinkhole in the freshly placed concrete countertop. I first attempted to fabricate a frame out of 2″ aluminum anglestock but found that that the circular saw with the diamond-blade would not cut it without melting the metal / scratching it. Fortunately, Padre happened by around that point and proposed a different strategy.
He suggested that I use some PVC trim boards positioned sideways to narrow all sides by ¾”. I ended up doing that but only for the east and west sides. Meanwhile, for the front I did nothing (so I could position the sink close to the counter’s frontal edge) while for the back I introduced a piece of 2″ aluminum anglestock that could sit atop the glued-on side trim boards*. I finished off the morning by clamping / shimming / gluing the two PVC boards in place. I did not glue the anglestock in place, because it seemed like a good idea to leave it free for adjustability’s sake.
(7:44 PM Update): This afternoon, I removed the clamps from earlier and test-fitted the sink. On finding that that it sat quite nicely within its well, I decided to lift it out once more and lengthen the CPVC stub-ups for the kitchen faucet. This consisted of cutting a couple 1-foot long pieces of CPVC, gluing on the ½” CPVC to ½” Brass Pipe adapter, and then by gluing those two lengtheners to the available valves.
TIL: Today I learned how to feed my brother more vegetables. I thinly sliced half a zucchini, a third of a red bell pepper, and ½ a jalapeno. I also procured about 4 oz. of ground Italian beef sausage and 4 oz. sharp cheddar cheese. Then, into a ramekin, I placed the layers as follow (starting with the bottom and proceeding to the top):

- Zucchini
- Cheese
- Red bell pepper
- Sausage (An actual layer made via flattening 2 oz. of sausage in a tortilla press)
- Cheese
- Jalapeno
- Red Bell pepper
- Sausage (Same sort of layer as before)
- Cheese
- Jalapeno
- Zucchini
- Cheese
What resulted was a tremendous amalgam of zesty and spicy vegetables in a sauce of ‘sausage fat and cheddar cheese’. Saying it like that, though, makes it sound less healthy than I intended it to be… No matter. Some vegetables are better than none where my brother is concerned!
Commentary: Though I will admit to some frustration while attempting to figure out how to shrink the sinkhole, it was an overall successful day. The sinkhole has been shrunk, the stub-ups have been glued in place, and I’m happy to say that tomorrow there may be a functioning kitchen sink in Jacobhouse.
As for additional commentary, I at first intended to pick up where I left off yesterday evening**, but while writing out the extent of my idea in the format of a logic-based dissertation, it did not feel right. It isn’t that the idea is bad; I still believe it to be a tremendous goal and one that may help me on the way to Walden. However – and there is quite a large ‘however’ here – I’ve discovered through experience that I care little for actions that people say they are going to take. I care much more for the actions they do take. The same applies to myself.
So, I’m afraid that at this moment my idea will remain a ‘wait and see’. In the meantime, though, here’s a picture of a cookie I made after dinner tonight. I’m fairly certain I should have put in a tad more butter, because it turned out more like a cake than a cookie… A Chocolate Chip Cakie, as my brother called it. Still tasty, and admittedly more filling than a typical cookie.

Final Note: Tomorrow I intend to glue / caulk the kitchen sink in place, but this will occur after I have installed the faucet and drains to the sink**.
*Ended up using the circular saw to put some indents into the postern portion of those PVC boards to account for the 2″ aluminum angle’s 1/8″ thickness.
**(“_______” two days each month.)
***The instructions for both the faucet and the sink recommend this, and I can understand why. It would be a downright shenanigan to fasten all that plumbing in place from the underbelly.