(Above: Brace-boards, plywood, and shelving brackets all fastened in place.)
Building Summary: Today I began by fastening on all the pieces of plywood I cut yesterday. The only setback was when I found out the outlet hole in the southern bottom piece was not perfectly aligned, so I had to trim it out a tad more*. This was followed by my attaching the low 2×4 brace-boards and then spanning the gap between them with a flat 2×6. I next installed three levels of shelving ‘mounts’ (furring strips) before finishing off the morning with some measuring and planning for tomorrow.
Commentary: It was a quiet yet productive morning at Jacobhouse. There were no cow shenanigans like yesterday, and once again, the summer’s heat was kept at bay by the portable air-conditioner. The only event out of the ordinary was that I left my phone at old-house during a ‘Devonshire Cream’ break**. Without that device, I had no clock, and this simultaneously made the morning seem much longer and shorter at the same time. I also had no calculator, so I got to practice head-math on multiple occasions. Fortunately, almost a year’s worth of wood, metal, and plastic-work made those calculations much easier than they would have been prior to the initiation of Jacobhouse construction.
Final Note: Tomorrow I plan on cutting and maybe even fastening plywood to the east and west sides of the closet-wall.
*Led to my discovering that the outlet’s face plate would not entirely conceal the gap. To remedy the problem, I obtained a thin leftover piece of ½”-plywood, cut it to the appropriate length, and glued/clamped it to the side of the opening that needed covering. It ended up matching quite neatly, and I think once I have painted the shelving’s insides, it won’t be noticeable in the slightest.
**A brief journey to go and place the Devonshire Cream I made last night into the fridge. Devonshire (or Clotted) Cream is a unique condiment resembling something that is 50% butter, 30% cream, and 20% almond/walnut. I still don’t know where the lattermost flavor comes from, because all that is required to make the substance is putting 2 pints heavy cream into an oven to bake at 180 degrees F for 12 hours (and then cooling in the fridge for an identical period of time).
Just for the record whenever I see an electrical outlet like in the bottom picture you have here I just see a worried face.