Second watermelon (and beef bacon).


(Above: Water melon #2 for 2020. What will it look like inside?)

Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. After these activities and IV’ing a calf,  I returned to Jacobhouse where I wrote for over an hour and responded to some Master Blend correspondence. This was ensued by a trip to the Harbison Farm Market where I procured the weekly fruits and vegetables before returning home and putting them away / processing them*. The final activities for the morning included cooking a delicious lunch of chuck steak and grilled vegetables and tending to a Master Blend customer.**

(6:47 PM Update:) Afternoon tasks included: more Master Blend correspondence, inventory management, a brief rest, and farmwork (feeding, catching a cow for breeding, and checking/treating ailing calves). Padre and I also performed the evening beef pasture patrol.

Final (7:23 PM) Update: Tonight I will plate the remainder of my leftover potato gratin, some Aneta’s cabbage salad, and some form of tasty melon for dinner. In regard to tomorrow’s activities, I think my Beverage Elements order may arrive. If it does, I can start putting together the seltzer refrigerator. The Seltzerator.

*The Harbisons gave me a damaged cantaloupe for free, so I cut it up before rot could set in. I also cut up half of the enormous watermelon after which this post has been named.

**The customers showed up literally as I was putting the first morsel of lunch into my mouth. I was not happy with the occurrence, but I’m fairly certain I remained civil throughout the ensuing interaction.