Rearranging the freezer room (and sandwiches).


(Above: A view of Jacobhouse kitchen can be found beyond the loaves.)

Active Summary: Today I woke up, performed calisthenic exercises, wrote, and then rode out with Padre to complete the morningly beef pasture check. This was ensued by writing for about 1 more hour and then by my venturing outside where I tended to both gardens for a brief time before tidying up / rearranging the Master Blend freezer room. About twenty minutes of the latter activity was followed by my return to Jacobhouse where I began preparing lunch and making dough for sandwich bread. To finish up the morning, I worked on Macroeconomics class and grilled up a lunch of roundsteak & sliced potatoes/sweet potatoes.

(5:46 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included working on the UF Admissions form some more*, tending to the bread (forming & baking it), and then participating in cattle-related activities, such as: feeding bovines, catching weanlings & scoring/vaccinating/weighing them, and helping Padre IV a calf. After putting together a Master Blend order, I returned to my abode where I am presently writing this entry before handing the Master Blend order over to its recipient, a kindly fellow named Brian who has been delivering feed to the farm for years.

A picture of the loaves I made for dinner sandwiches.

Final Note: The day’s final activities shall include a beef pasture check and the making of tomato/basil/prosciutto sandwiches. In regard to tomorrow’s shenanigans, I intend to continue neatening the Master Blend freezer room, chase out any rodents that may be dwelling in the old indoor feed-bunk, and clog their sole remaining entry hole (a drain) with steel wool.

*Thirty minutes. They said it was only going to take thirty minutes but then commenced to have me scrounge through prior records and paperwork for dates, write a two-page-long summary about myself, and then search down official high-school transcripts that are themselves nearly impossible to access.   

1 thought on “Rearranging the freezer room (and sandwiches).”

  1. I want some of that bread Jacob! Your meals look like they are out of a cookbook ?
    Shared your site with your aunt Annie!
    So enjoy your blog

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