(Above: My second go at making a ratatouille. As can be seen, I attempted to expose the rings of vegetables this time.)
Active Summary: After waking this morning, I participated in the daily regimen of calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. This was ensued by flipping over the Master Blend sign to ‘Open’, checking the freezers, inspecting the tomato plants in gardens #1 and #2, and then returning to Jacobhouse. Inside, I wrote for over an hour before commencing with the morning’s second half.
In regard to the second half of this morning, I spent it making ratatouille, a loaf of barley & honey bread, and a kale & blueberry salad. While the bread and the ratatouille baked, I performed the weekly Jacobhouse cleansing. Morning ended with a particularly tasty lunch.
(8:45 PM Update): This afternoon began with a little bit of writing, a superb rest*, and with my tending to a Master Blend customer. Next, I aided in multiple cattle-related activities (feeding / catching / vaccinating full-grown bovines, checking calves for ailments, and participating in the evening beef pasture check with Padre), and I also helped a couple women load a few bags of Moo-Magic into their vehicles. After all this, I worked in the garden for about 20 minutes (neatening up around the salsify), and I ventured to the freezer room where I worked on a couple maps to accompany my fictional writings. To conclude late-day activities, I cooked up a dinner of grilled white-fish (grunt & trigger) and Yukon gold potatoes.
*As I reposed in the Jacobhouse bed, both the front window and the sliding glass doors were open. This permitted a cool draft to pass through my abode, carrying the sounds of cicadas and nearby bovines.
Great food and weather… Both much appreciated