The primed northwest / north doors.

Prime time.


(Above: The primed northwest doors / door frames.)

Active Summary: This morning, after a pleasant ride through the beef pasture with Padre, I returned to the Master Blend freezer room. There, I painted the following locations with primer: around the south and north windows, the frames bordering the northwest and western doors, the northwest doors themselves, and the southeast door/door frame (as well as the trim around the window in that door). After all this, I tended to a Master Blend customer and then finished off the morning by removing various hooks, holders, and pipes off of the southeast wall.

(5:46 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included an assortment of cattle-related activities, including: calf feeding / treatment, cow feeding / chutework, searching for ailments amongst the younglings, chasing a youngling back to its mother, and performing the evening pasture checkup. All of this was accomplished in inclement weather. Saying all this, there was one point where the sky was split by a rainbow of incredible luster. I suppose that would be the afternoon’s literal highlight.

  • A very bright rainbow.
  • The primed south window.
  • The southern door primed.

TIL: Today I learned how to say ‘cow’ in Italian. One cow is mucca (moo-kah). Multiple cows are mucche (moo-kee). I thought this was interesting for two reasons. Firstly, both words have a definite ‘moo’ sound in them, and secondly, mucche is very reminiscent of the Japanese ice cream treat: mochi. I looked it up, though, and there appears to be no relation.

Io scrivo e lavoro con le mucche. I write and work with cows.

Commentary: The morning’s weather started out quite grey and rainy, but that precipitation ended at 6:15 AM. From that point onward the sky has cleared considerably to a pristine and almost cloudless cerulean. Accompanying this change in weather and the presence of a bright, yellow sun was an upswing in temperature that rendered the morning a perfect time for outdoor activities. Oddly, there is much more rain predicted later on today (one would not think that to be the case if they looked at the sky right now*), but at present, I’m enjoying the ‘open-windows’ time and the sunshine.

(2:40 PM Commentary Update:) While I made some touch-ups to today’s entry, I could not help but notice that the rainclouds have returned en masse... Just in time for the farm activities that are to commence in less than twenty minutes.

  • Some ferns I found.
  • Mother and daughter.
  • Mother and Daughter.
  • A random nail.

Final Note: Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Therefore I will be preparing food in the morning (namely bread and coconut ice cream). If there is time, I shall also begin rolling on the ‘brushed orange’ within the Master Blend freezer room. If there is not time, however, I will likely begin painting on Thursday.

*12:21 PM.