Plantaineloupe crumb.


(Above: Plantaineloupe crumble. Delicious.)

Active Summary: Today I woke up, performed calisthenic exercises, wrote for a few minutes, and then ventured outside to perform the beef pasture check with Padre. This was followed by a brief visit with Brimage who had seen (and seemed quite impressed with) our Segway’ing around the pasture to complete various checks/chores. Brimage had brought by 5-8 tomato plants that I commenced to bring down to Garden #2 for planting in the near future.

I returned to Jacobhouse afterward where I fixed up a soup for lunch before writing for another hour and filling out much of the remaining UF application form. There was still some time left to the morning after all that, so I returned outdoors where I filled 7 bags with compost – bags that will soon house the young tomato plants.

(9:01 PM Update:) After lunch, I finished filling out the UF application, worked on some Macroeconomics, rested, and wrote. This was ensued by cattle-related activities, including: feeding bovines, catching a few bovines for AI/embryo recipient activities, helping Padre IV four calves and feed colostrum to a fifth, and performing the evening beef pasture check. Before making my way back to Jacobhouse, I tested out the price-gun I obtained from Amazon (worked well), and on returning to my abode, I cut up canteloupe and made a plantain/canteloupe crumb*.

Final Note: Tomorrow, if there is enough time, I intend to being working on the south window for the Master Blend freezer room.

*For the crumb on top, it was simply 1/4 cup of cold butter (diced), 1 cup of flour, and 1 cup of sugar (preferably brown/coconut).