An elephant ear flower found southwest of Jacob's container home.

Paint pylons planted (and an elephant flower).

(Above: The flower of an elephant ear plant. Mostly scentless, but an intriguing sight.)


Building Summary: Morning activities entailed my fastening the shower stall top more sturdily with some extra self-tapping screws* and tampering with the initial glass panes (removing them, fitting them with plastic strips**, and reattaching them—they no longer rattle in their frame). This was followed by my digging the remainder of Hole #4 for Madre’s container office.

In the afternoon, Padre and I spent an hour setting the bin blocks within Holes #3 and #4.

Commentary: Today was busy, but there was progress. After completing Hole #4 this morning, I wondered if we would have both of the remaining pylons placed before the day was done. Sure enough, the farm was not quite so hectic this afternoon, so we had time to do just that. Between my making the holes smaller this time around*** and Padre’s greater experience at hooking up bin blocks, the process of moving and positioning the pylons inside of the holes took little over an hour. That’s far more efficient than how we did at Jacobhouse, and to add to this, the supports are even more aligned than those presently beneath my future home.

As Padre stated, it just goes to show that we at least have some intelligence, for we learned from our past experiences.

Placing Pylons #3 and #4 on second container home.
Padre and I placing pylons #3 and #4 – a display of skill earned through experience.

Final Note: I know I stated as much in yesterday’s final note, but tomorrow I plan on actually retrieving / testing out the new portable A/C and putting up the pocket door frame. Without shower-stall shenanigans and pylon placement to distract me, both of these tasks may actually be tended to.

*After doing this, the doors did not open and close very well. It turned out that there was some metal filings in the track – a problem easily remedied by my removing the doors and cleaning the track / wheels with a few damp paper towels.

*The instructions really could have been better for the shower stall, but now it’s done (except for the caulking) and looks great. So, overall, I am pleased with the purchase. Besides, nowhere else I looked had a shower stall that would accommodate my height.

***Referring to the holes I made for Jacobhouse.