(Above: Heifer #520 had a new calf this evening. It may not be the most flattering of images, but it’s a direct inverse to the hyperbolic phrase ‘One foot in the…tomb.’)

Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenics, writing, a beef pasture inspection, and the IV’ing of a young calf. On my way back home, I stopped by both gardens to check the vegetations’ health. All seemed well, so I ventured indoors where I wrote for about an hour before I was called out doors to help put away the new beef shipment. It took about 30 minutes to find a way to fit the delicious payload neatly into four freezers, but I was successful. Afterward, I tended to quite a lot of Master Blend correspondence, and I started two potatoes baking. To conclude the morning, I visited Padre at the studio for a little while and then helped finish preparing a lunch of pan-seared burger-steaks, baked potatoes, and cucumber salad.
(5:53 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with my cutting up a large watermelon, helping a Master Blend customer procure / load their order, and taking a brief rest at Jacobhouse. This was ensued by my helping with bovine-related activities including: feeding the cows, catching / treating a sick calf, and inspecting the pastures (found / fixed a broken electric fence & observed a Wagyu cow give birth to ensure the process went well). Padre next helped me sort some beef in the freezer room, and after all this, I returned to Jacobhouse where I am presently writing this entry.
Final Note: After concluding the writing for this entry, I will be heading out to check the beef pasture with Padre one more time. If all is well, I intend to spend the rest of the evening engaging in leisure. Tomorrow morning, I believe there will be at least two large beef orders going out, but aside from that, it will be a normal day of writing, gardening, and cattle-work.