(Above: I’m uncertain as to why professional electricians would place this sort of GFCI outlet in an outdoor receptacle.)
Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a ride around the beef pasture with Padre, and over an hour’s worth of writing. This was followed by my tending to a Master Blend customer and then by my cleaning out the electric smoker*. I next procured some mulberry wood – a cracked/split piece of lumber originally intended to be a rolling pin – and cut it into small chips. On attempting to plug the smoker in, however, I recalled that the GFCI outlet was broken. Padre procured me another receptacle for the location, so I spent about twenty-five minutes replacing the outlet and ensuring the box was sealed. It was a success. To conclude morning activities, I visited Padre at the studio for a little while as two potatoes roasted in the oven. Lunch followed soon thereafter and consisted of Master Blend burger-steaks, the aforementioned baked potatoes, cucumber salad, and watermelon.

(4:54 PM Update:) Afternoon activities commenced with a reading session of about forty minutes and a rest in the Jacobhouse bed for half that duration. This was ensued by my venturing outdoors where I helped with a few cattle related activities, including: catching a cow for embryo transfer, capturing a calf for weaning, and checking the beef pasture / barn for creatures in need of aid. Despite a great many of the animals being forced to pant on account of the climate’s intense heat, they all seemed to be fairly free of ailment. Padre and I next took a brief seltzer break, and then I returned to Jacobhouse where I cooled down while writing both this entry and on an outline.
Final Note: All that remains for the day is a ride around the beef pasture, a dinner of watermelon (and perhaps some leftover Aneta’s sandwich), and leisure. I will happily live with that.
*Tomorrow, I intend to smoke a beef tongue for a fellow who buys beef from us on a fairly regular basis.