New York Strips.


(Above: One of the two pan-seared Master Blend New York Strips I served up for lunch today. Seasoned only with salt and scallions.)

Active Summary: This morning began with a few chores, calisthenics, and a Segway ride around the beef pasture. Next, I wrote for a little over an hour, and after that, I brought my laptop up to the Master Blend freezer room. The remainder of the morning from about 9:30 AM through 11:30 AM was spent sending out phone calls and emails and sorting / putting together the resultant orders. At 11:30 AM I pre-salted some Master Blend New York Strips, visited Padre at the studio for a little while, and then returned to Jacobhouse where I pan-seared the aforementioned steaks. Lunch followed soon after.

(7:34 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with a brief respite which was soon ensued by my return to the freezer room. There, I performed more of the same tasks that I had in the morning and submitted an email campaign before heading out to help on the farm. The latter was thankfully lacking in shenanigans today, though I did get to observe a bovine hoof operation of somewhat gruesome nature (there was inflamed foot-meat removal and much blood). A seltzer break ensue shortly after that and then some Master Blend record-keeping. To finish outdoor* adventures for the day, I filled up 10 bags of Moo-Magic compost, refilled a seltzerator keg (we are on #8), and checked the beef herd with Padre.

A bonus video taken during our evening beef herd check:

Final Note: After processing pictures and submitting this entry, I plan on engaging in some form of leisure time. I’m not quite certain what it will be yet, but it is going to be enjoyable and relaxing.

*Outside of Jacobhouse.