(Above: The Padre-fabricated connector between 1/2″ CPVC to the refrigerator.)
Building Summary: Today, Padre and I started by testing the fridge-fitting we installed yesterday afternoon and finding out that it leaked. Padre went to Sparr to search for a solution while I worked on closing in the gaps to either side of the shower. By the time I was about done with that task, he had returned, and I used the parts he provided to replace and re-fit the connection between stub-up and fridge. To conclude the morning, I neatened up the postern (east) portion of Jacobhouse.
Commentary: Despite the morning being a rather disorganized array of activities, I would say that I still got a lot done. Closing in around the shower was something that I was not looking forward to*, and now it is done. As for the kitchen appliances, all except for the clothing washer/dryer are hooked up and will be ready to function when the electricity is turned on.
By way of additional commentary, I have something of a shenanigan to relate. I had just gotten home from working all morning on Jacobhouse (and from a relaxing appointment at the hypnotherapist), and I was just about to make lunch; it was to be a delicious Master Blend burger garnished with oak-smoked salmon, dressed with homemade Caesar, and placed on a home-made sourdough Ciabatta bun. The pan was heating and all the ingredients were almost all prepared. Right as I was about to start working the ground beef, though, the power went out. Again.
I was frustrated, to say the least**, but at that moment, some part of me wanted to rise up and rebel against the negative turn events. So, instead of wallowing in misery, I offered to go get sushi from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. Padre told me he’d pay the bill if I went… so I did. I also obtained us some lettuce on the way back home, but that’s aside from the point.
The point is that I relearned a lesson today that has been repeated so many times that it’s almost become hackneyed (but it can’t become cliche, because it is such a good lesson). Indeed, as I feasted upon savory salmon sushi within the darkened bowels of old-house, I realized once more that even though I cannot always control my circumstances, I can always change them. Whether I change them for the positive or the negative, it is up to me to decide.
Final Note: Later today I will be testing the integrity of the new fittings Padre and I installed. I’m fairly certain they will work, for they joined together quite snugly, and I used teflon tape to seal the threads. As for tomorrow’s activity, I will continue with the odd-jobs around Jacobhouse – perhaps I fabricate the border that will go around the top of the kitchen light.
*Though now I cannot say why. It was quite an easy task – far easier than I expected it to be.
** That’s the second time in two months (last time was May 5) that the power went out right as I was about to make lunch.