(Above: After cutting out the bones and slicing it thin, the short ribs from yesterday took on an appearance even more akin to bacon.)

I cooked cabbage, zucchini, and summer squash in the left-over fat.
Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenics, writing, and a ride around the beef pasture with Padre. Afterward, I returned to Jacobhouse where I wrote for about an hour more, finished the remainder of my Macroeconomics work (until the final exam on May 2), and did some Master Blend bookkeeping. I next ventured outside to walk around and take pictures for Master Blend’s Google page. To conclude the morning, I visited the studio for a time and then made a lunch of beef short rib ‘bacon’ and vegetables sautéed in the leftover fat.
(9:02 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with Master Blend website work where I modified both the Google and webpage hours to hopefully restrict customer arrivals to more convenient times. This was followed a brief bit of rest and then by a whole bunch of activities that I will attempt to list in chronological order: tending to two Master Blend customers, feeding / catching bovines for embryo recipients, helping load a bull and a bullock onto a trailer, checking calves for ailments, starting the seltzerator project, ruining a freezer, performing a beef pasture check with Padre, moving cucumber plants over to garden #1 and harvesting seeds from / pulling arugula and a bit of the Rapini, cooking/eating dinner*, and now I’m finishing up for the day by typing out this entry.
Final Note: I must acquire a new 5 cubic foot deep freezer for the Seltzerator project. Fortunately, they do not cost much more than $140.00, and in destroying the first one, I realized I could fashion up a homemade bar-tap on the freezer’s top where no Freon lines run. I may do this with some cow-finished wood.
*I cooked up some Rapini seedpods and a short-rib / cheddar / onion omelet. The former was a tad too stringy for my liking, but the latter was absolutely delicious.
Beef bacon, that was rediculiosly good… as for the freezer, we’ll call that part of the learning curve