(Above: A brilliantly purple Sandwich Isle Salsify flower.)
Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. This was followed by my brief return to Jacobhouse where I completed a few chores before venturing to the freezer room for most of the remaining morning. Along the way, I checked both gardens for hornworms (found a sizeable one – about 4″ – in garden #1).
At the freezer room, I wrote for a time and then tended to various Master-Blend-related tasks that needed doing, including: a subscriber email, putting together a couple orders, corresponding with customers, and etc. At about 11:30 AM I closed up the shop before making my way to the studio where I visited with Padre for a little while. A lunch of burger-steak, cucumber salad, and baked potatoes followed soon after.
(5:49 PM Update:) This afternoon began with a brief rest, a call to a customer who had arrived and departed while I was resting*, tending to more orders and correspondence, and etc. Farm activities followed, including the usual feeding / catching / treating of young bovines. A seltzer break was ensued by even more Master Blend tasks, of which I am about as weary of writing as I am of performing, and now I am doing my best to type out most of this entry before returning outdoors where I perform the day’s final beef pasture check with Padre.
Final Note: At present, I am uncertain of what I’m going to have for dinner. I know what I’ll have with dinner, though. Watermelon (and perhaps a small slice of chocolate cake).

*Outside of open hours.