Building Summary: Today I went with Madre on a supply/grocery run to Ocala. At Home Depot, I picked out three light fixtures for Jacobhouse (for the office, bedroom, and hallway), and we also procured some glossy blank paint/primer for the base of the kitchen area. This color was chosen to match the black appliances that will be sitting atop it, and the glossiness is for ease of cleaning.
Afternoon Update: I ventured to Jacobhouse this afternoon and prepared the bathroom for plywood installation by clearing out all the supplies and devices I had placed in there whilst flooring the kitchen, hall, bedroom, and office. I also hooked up the air conditioner, which now that I’m writing this entry, I realize I forgot to turn off. I suppose that warrants a quick ‘be right back.’
Commentary, post-return from a quick jaunt to Jacobhouse: Despite the morning being taken up by a supply run, I feel that I progressed quite a bit on the container home today. Firstly, I inadvertently chose the fixture theme for my abode. I think it could be classified as industrial – simple, heavy duty, and utilitarian (something that could also be used to describe the entire aura of Jacobhouse thus far). Below, is the image of the light I chose for the hallway and office areas. The light for the bedroom is the same, but it does not have a LED bulb. This is because I want something a tad dimmer for when I’m reading at night.

Now, I wrote ‘firstly’ above, so that means that there is indeed a secondly. So, secondly, Padre and I determined the timeline for the imminent future of Jacobhouse. I’m going to put it in a list format so I don’t flood this post with a whole bunch of unnecessary “thens” “nexts” and “after thats”.
- Floor the bathroom with ¾” plywood.
- Put up a ½” sheet of plywood between the kitchen and bathroom, including a hole for the vent soffit as I do so.
- Assemble and mount the cupboards.
- Frame the soffit.
- Paint the top surface of the raised kitchen floor with glossy black primer.
- Retrieve appliances and put them in kitchen (and store the unassembled shower in the back of Jacobhouse for easy access).
The list goes on, but these five steps are my primary focus. As for a completion date of this list? I’m going to estimate two and a half weeks. It’s a hefty order, but I believe it can be done.
Final Note: As per my list above, I will begin with the first step: flooring the bathroom with ¾” plywood.