(Above: In my haste to depart, I forgot to take pictures of Jacobhouse. This is an image Padre took of our fleeing before the storm [fleeing because Segways do not like to get wet].)
Building Summary: Today I closed in the bottom of the panel-box frame with ¾” plywood. The process consisted of marking / measuring / notching (for receptacles) / and fastening. This was followed by more work on the sub-counter frame* – a process that was regrettably cut short by a rapidly approaching storm.
Today I learned (TIL):
- My sub-counter frame (the lower portion of the kitchen counter) was 1–½” too low. Fortunately, this means all I have to do is lay 2x4s flat-wise across the present frame to bring it up to the appropriate level and to increase sturdiness.
- I can use the vertical support 2x4s belonging to the original front frame of Jacobhouse to aid in supporting the mini-counter.
Commentary: Some days (most days as of late) it feels like I’m attempting to fit too much into a single day – a phenomenon that causes me distress when I simply cannot mark everything off the proverbial checklist. The fortunate and unfortunate part of this, is that my schedule, distress, and the impositions I make upon my time are all self-created. Though it is useful to know that I’m the root cause of all my content and discontent – perhaps one of the first steps to finding Walden – I’d like to know how to proceed. How do I live every day to the fullest without knowing where exactly the ‘fullest’ is?
On a more satisfying note, here are some delicious noodles I made for dinner this evening:
- Hand-crafted noodle ingredients: Flour, eggs, salt.
- Sauce ingredients: 2 cups Greek yogurt (6 months out of date but still good), 4 tbsp olive oil, a couple slices of squeezed lemon, 5 cloves garlic (crushed) 2 tbsp. clover honey, salt/fresh black pepper to taste. 1 cup medium-packed Parmesan cheese added at end.

Final Note: Tomorrow morning I will likely finish the sub-counter frame and then begin forming the kitchen-counter for concrete-shenanigans. I must remember two important factors, and keep another in mind. First off, I must remember to include the sink hole (obvious), but I also must include the 1 (or 3) faucet holes and perhaps the 4th hole for a soap dispenser. Secondly, I must remember to wrap each piece of wood that I use in the plastic wrap Madre gave me (for non-stick purposes).
As for the concept I must keep…. After the concrete has been poured, I will finish the counter outside of Jacobhouse. That way, dust from sanding will not get all over the place, and the same goes for the concrete sealant.
*The lower portion of counter-space just below the front window.