(Above: Jacobfeet enjoying the new floor in Jacobhouse. I could have rotated the picture to a more proper orientation, but I find that the upside-down image only emphasizes the ‘centerpiece’.)
Building Summary: This morning began with yet another pleasant ride amongst the beefers and then by my moving yesterday’s compost bags down to the manure stand. Jacobhouse activity followed, consisting solely of laying down more grip-strip flooring and a short visit with Padre and Dave Brimage (more in TIL). It was after that latter visit that the second part of my morning commenced.
The morning’s second portion consisted of my briefly tending to some slow-cooker oxtail soup I started last night and then by my putting together the recently acquired grill. Instructions for the latter were not particularly clear, so it took much longer than necessary to put together*. Irregardless of the delays, I ended the morning with a fully assembled and fully functional grill.
(7:17 PM Update): Worked an additional hour at Jacobhouse this afternoon. Successfully finished laying planks down in the bedroom area.
TIL: Today I learned from Mr. Brimage (‘retired’ contractor) that one does not need a roller when installing grip-stick flooring. He simply presses his hand along the whole length of seam. So, my mallet hammering / smoothing technique is likely more than enough for what I’m doing.
Commentary: There were a few highlights I thought I should mention for today. The first is – once again – the fact that flooring Jacobhouse has turned out to be much easier than anticipated. It is extremely gratifying to have so simple a task yield such fantastic results. Padre and I both were ‘fondling’ the pseudo-floorboards with our feet. As Allure advertised, those planks look and feel distinctly like wood.
The second highlight would be in regard to putting together the grill. I began in the shade of Oldhouse’s high crest, but as the morning progressed more quickly than I did, the sun eventually caught up to me. Surprisingly, it was bearable. In recent times – less than a week ago – such an exercise as building a grill on the concrete expanse in front of Oldhouse would have downright roasted me. Today, however, that was not the case. Fall is coming.
And the third highlight would also be in regard to the grill. When testing it, I was impressed by the ease of start-up (a mere click of the igniter), and even moreso by the sheer control of each burner. I’m used to the coils of an electric stove slowly warming up and / or cooling down based upon what the dial is turned to. It is a gradual process – especially where a cast-iron skillet is concerned**. On the gas grill, however, it appears that I will have full and instantaneous command of the heat with the ability to turn the flames up, down, on and/or off.
Eggs are on the menu for tonight, but I foresee much grilling in the near future.

Final Note: Tomorrow I intend to continue the flooring exercise – perhaps even venturing into the bathroom those grip-strip planks. After flooring, I still plan on tending to some kitchen tasks and to the painting of / hanging the two sliding doors (or at least the bathroom door). It should also be noted that a portion of the morning will be dedicated to a Farmers’ Market visit. No doubt, there shall be a plenty of produce procured.
*I had to switch the legs around on three separate occasions. They all looked very similar to one another, and even though the manual had them labeled, their stickers had all fallen off in the packaging!
** Cast iron carries a tremendous amount of residual heat, even after the burner has been turned down.