(Above: The garden is still thriving and lush. Note how the pea plants have now just begun to reach the top of the farthest-most fence.)
Active Summary: Today I started off with the normal morningly regimen of calisthenics, writing, and enjoying a beef pasture check with Padre. This was ensued by a return to Jacobhouse where I performed more writing, packed, and worked on Macroeconomics. To finish off the morning, I ventured out to the garden where I weeded for about 15-20 minutes.
(1:55 PM Update:) Madre will be taking my brother and I down to the airport in about 2 ½ hours, so I’m now finishing up all my computer-related activities before heading outside to enjoy the fresh air and move around before that lengthy ride.
TIL: Today I learned quite a lot in the Macroeconomics course. The most interesting concept I discovered was externality: a cost or benefit imposed on people other than the consumers and producers of a good or service. I found this of interest because I knew that such interactions occurred (e.g. ‘blanket benefits: healthcare being provided for illegal aliens and defense being provided for others aside from tax payers’ and ‘blanket costs: pollution from manufacturing automobiles affecting those without automobiles and noise pollution from gunfire affecting those without recreational firearms*’).
Commentary: As I write this, it is 2:01 PM. Tomorrow at this time, it will be 8:01 PM in Paris, and my brother and I will likely be nearing the completion of our first day in Europe. This all sounds strange to me, and it is not just because of the lapse in time-zones. No, the truly odd part is that I am sitting in Jacobhouse right now and that within the next 24 hours, I will have already crossed the 4,487 miles over the Atlantic Ocean and probably eaten my first meal in Paris.

Final Note: Tomorrow, there shall likely be much rest/recuperation occurring on account of the overnight flight.
*I’m pretty sure this is stretching the concept of externality. However, I could not help but include it, because I currently hear the neighbors about a 1/4 mile away discharging their shotgun or rifle or whatever sort of ‘shenanigan-stick’ they have.
‘Shenanigan stick’ good name… I’ll eat the peapod and you the French and Sicialan treats