(Above: My view of the outdoors as I type this entry; the curtains seem to keep a decent amount of heat out of the Jacobhouse.)
Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and a weekly cleaning of Jacobhouse. This was ensued by a ride with Madre into Ocala Sam’s Club. There, we procured groceries in a rather unique manner. Madre ‘masked-up’ and ventured into the store to obtain some specialty items while I sat in the car and then helped the attendant who brought out the goods we had ordered yesterday*. After departing Sam’s Club, we made our way back home, stopping by Nickles’ Produce Stand along the way to acquire three melons and a couple cartons of tomatoes. On our reaching home, Madre and I put groceries away, I prepared / started some potatoes baking for lunch, and I wrote for over an hour as those tubers cooked. Lunch of baked potatoes, salad, and watermelon was consumed at 12:20 PM.
(5:18 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began shortly after lunch when a couple drove in and desired some beef. I tended to them, wrote for a brief time, and then tended to another customer who arrived (this one in spite of the sign being set to closed) and looked around but bought not-a-thing. I returned to Jacobhouse, wrote for a few more minutes, tended to a couple more Master Blend calls, and then turned off my phone for 40 minutes to write and rest. Farm activities followed and consisted of: capturing / treating / vaccinating three calves, catching / vaccinating a few cows, and checking the pasture for ailing animals – all in some of the most intense summer heat that we’ve experienced thus far this year**. Now, after having engaged in a seltzer break with Padre, I am back in Jacobhouse cooling off and tending to this day’s entry.

Final Note: After concluding this entry, I intend to write some more, go on a beef pasture check with Padre, and then spend the rest of the day tending to all sorts of leisure.
*This new ‘curbside pickup’ service trend is certainly one of the more positive phenomena to have arisen from the coronavirus.
** I checked the weather, and it was a heat index of 111 F.