(Above: A closeup of the now-painted galvalume trim. I quite like the texturing that was produced via the spray-paint and brush combination.)
Building Summary: This morning I initiated Jacobhouse activities by cutting a couple more strips of galvalume and then by taking all nine strips (from yesterday and today) out to the container home where I commenced to cut those strips to various proper lengths and label them for future’s sake*.
After cutting all the pieces of proper length and collecting a couple additional measurements in regard to a piece of metal for the bathroom’s west side, I took the galvalume back to the haybarn and laid them all out in preparation for priming. Instead of using a brush to apply the primer, though, I opted for spraypaint. I did not have any spray paint, but I was able to procure some with Madre when we went on a short run to Sparr Farm Supply**.
(7:49 PM Update): This afternoon, I cut the final piece of galvalume trim***, primed all the trim pieces, and then painted them turquoise. I still have a tiny bit of turquoise paint left over that I will use to touch up various places within Jacobhouse at some point in the near future.
TIL: Today I learned firsthand that cattails produce an incredible number of seeds. Interestingly, these seeds seem to have two different dispersal methods – the first being wind dispersal and the second being ‘static cling’ (very reminiscent of cat hair… which was kind of an unpleasant realization). Either way, every single tuft in this video is attached to a miniscule sliver-of-a-seed:
Commentary: Where I am concerned, there is no such thing as writer’s block. Whenever I have trouble writing commentary (as I am having this evening) it is because the thoughts ‘in-noggin’ are either not completely formed, are too complex for a mere couple paragraphs of explanation, or are not of a particularly enheartening nature. Rest assured, after a productive and eventful day like this one, it is not for the lattermost reason that I’m having difficulty this evening. Thus, all there shall be this for today’s commentary is a prolonged excuse, a picture, and a continued hope that I will find Walden one day… and know that I’ve found it.

Final Note: Tomorrow, I intend to fasten the galvalume trim in place through a combination of rivets (where there is no chance of hitting electrical wires) and construction glue. After this, I will work on adding a spacer-board to the west side of the bathroom door, and if there is still time afterward, I’ll begin making measurements / plans for finishing up Jacobhouse’s front entrance.
* Throughout this time, I was very careful to keep that metal off of the floor, because the edges were quite sharp and looked quite hungry.
** A pleasant prelude to a Sushi Bistro trip.
*** With some difficulty. Our old barn is a tad inconsistent when it comes to electricity – an effect of its wiring being well over 30 years old and exposed to the Florida elements for all those years.
Ah, but how about some sense of control so the exploration holds some sense of context?