(Above: A bent piece of Stainless Steel procured by my Uncle Eric and now positioned on the bathroom step. 35 3/8″ wide, 5 1/8″ tall, and 4″ deep were the measurements, and that is indeed what he gave me. Looks great!)
Active Summary: This morning began with a ride around the beef pasture with Padre and then by my returning to Jacobhouse and performing many of the Friday maintenance activities that I used to engage in at Oldhouse. These included: making dough / baking bread, cleaning the bathroom / office / kitchen, and vacuuming the floor. After I completed all this, I wrote for about an hour and then ventured outside where I measured, marked, and cut a couple boards for the top side of the eastern garden-lot fence. To finish off the morning, Padre and Wag helped me level and fasten those boards in place*.

(3:46 PM Update:) Finally came to a decision on the internet. Purchased a cheap 4g LTE router that only needs a couple options changed to work, a $2.00 SIM card, and on Monday, I will be able to activate the 4g service. If it works well, I will be able to share the service with other people that are nearby. Also, I should note that my brother is going to come down and see Jacobhouse for his first time sometime in the coming afternoon (more in commentary update).
(7:31 PM Update:) This afternoon, I cut and fastened some boards to the base of the garden entry points. The so-called tripboards are there to provide an even base over which the garden doors shall be positioned, and as such, those doors will not need to extend all the way to the ground. To add to the afternoon update, I tested out the piece of stainless steel that my Uncle Eric procured and had a friend of his bend for me. As can be seen by the feature image, it fit into its intended location quite snugly.
TIL: Today I learned that spinach grows best in Florida when planted in October or November. Broccoli: September through January. Arugula: September through March. Radishes / Carrots: September through March. Peas: September through February. In essence, I suppose I learned that there is no shortage of vegetation that can be grown in a Floridian winter.
Commentary: Today I recorded the amount of time it took to clean the entirety of Jacobhouse. The final figure – including vinegar spraying, dusting/wiping, and vacuuming – was 27 minutes. It used to take nearly 20 minutes to vacuum Old-house, while here I was able to make everything gleam akin to my first day in Jacobhouse in nearly the same span of time. In the lattermost regard, I found it especially impressive how just plain white vinegar was able to remove almost every smidgen of lime stains from the shower glass. It was only a week’s worth of stainage, certainly, but with weekly cleanings, the buildup should never become more than it was today.
(7:31 PM Update): My brother really seemed to appreciate Jacobhouse. Even though he made fun of my ultra-high counters and toilet-throne, he really seemed to appreciate the fancy (his word for it) shower and the office area – the latter being more generous than he expected.

Final Note: Tomorrow I plan to work on a couple small doors for the garden area. All I should need are four hinges, a couple pieces of properly cut plywood, and a couple springs or bungee straps to keep those doors closed. And yes… I still need to solve the internet quandary. It is getting to that point where min-maxing of price-to-service ratio no longer matters as much as simply getting it done. Not when it takes ten minutes to upload a 357 kilobyte image to this blog! (3:47 PM Update:) Decision has been made, new internet shall be in place within the next week.
* Much easier with three people than by myself.