(Above: A glance out of the rain-bespattered office window.)
Commentary: The freekend has been glorious thus far with there being plenty of gaming time and relaxation. As far as highlights go, I should probably mention that I ate my first meal within Jacobhouse yesterday evening. It consisted of a homemade salad with garden-fresh greens (arugula and spinach), and one of the largest sweet potatoes I have ever encountered. The former was excellent, even with my improvised dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, and a slight sprinkling of coconut sugar. The latter was also tremendous. I allowed the sweet potato to cook for 1 hour on 425 F and then kept it warm at 170 F for about 1 hour. This allowed the massive tuber to cool down to a reasonable temperature before opening it, placing/mashing a couple tablespoons of coconut oil into its silky, carroty innards, and sprinkling it with salt.
Another point of interest occurred in the later portion of the night – 4 AM to be precise – when a significant weather advisory awoke me. The ensuing twenty or so groggy minutes were spent listening to precipitation pelting Jacobhouse. It was a large amount of rain, but I could tell that it was comprised of small droplets due to the way the resultant sound carried through the container home’s roof. The fact was verified this morning when I found that very little erosion had occurred in the garden and that all of the plants – the tender-leafed arugula included – remained unbruised.

Final Note: The freekend continues.