(Above: Ready for Freekend #3!)
Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef herd health check. Afterward, I fed Doug (my sourdough starter), made bread dough, and continued writing. When the daily scrivening was completed, I ventured outside and set up a hose and sprinkler to begin soaking the bag/bucket garden. Bread/potato baking ensued, and while it cooked, I returned outdoors and filled 4 more bags with compost and brought a total of 8 down to the new garden area.*
TIL: Today I learned that by including 1 tbsp. coconut (brown) sugar in my bread instead of 1 tbsp. white sugar, it grants the inside of the loaf a pleasant light-brown color reminiscent of wheat bread. It also grants the loaf a slightly nutty aroma on pulling it out of the oven. The flavor is quite similar, but the color and scent do make for a novel experience.
Commentary: It appears as if spring has arrived early this year. I know I have already written similarly, but now it is almost certain. The pecan trees are beginning to put on leaves, and according to a certain old black man named Rob** who worked on the farm a long while back, the pecan trees are always the most timid to put on their leaves after winter – often not doing so until well after the final frost. Rob’s teaching has held true thus far, and I doubt it will be any different this year.

Final Note: Soon after the submission of this entry, my Freekend shall begin! There will, of course, be a continuation of typical daily activities throughout the weekend (writing, farming, eating, and etc.) but other than that I plan on playing plenty of Path of Exile.
* Now, there are thirty vessels awaiting planting.
**A great friend of our family. I still have faint memories of when he used to pull my brother and I around on a wagon via an old yellow lawnmower on his way to feed milk to the penned-calves. He was always old when I knew him, which makes sense because he had fought in one of the first regiments sent over to Europe by the United States in World War II.