(Above: A squash, watermelon, or pumpkin plant growing in the beef pasture. It has increased greatly in size since rain has become a daily occurrence.)
Active Summary: This morning began with the daily regimen of calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. I next returned to Jacobhouse, checking and eating a small breakfast* from both gardens along the way. This was ensued by writing for about 1.5 hours and then by my venturing to the freezer room and finishing the cell-booster installation**. I next began lunch preparations by putting a couple baking potatoes in the oven and collecting some produce from both gardens (kale, collards, and Malabar spinach). To conclude morning activities, I put together a somewhat large Master Blend order for tomorrow afternoon.
(6:12 PM Update:) After lunch, I stayed outside for a brief time, collecting some compost and bringing it to the potatoes that were somehow beginning to surface from the soil sacks in which they were growing. This was followed by my returning to Jacobhouse, resting for a brief time and reading / writing until it was time for farm activities. Today, these included: feeding bovines, cleaning out a sewage pipe with Padre and Wag, vaccinating eight pregnant cows, catching/treating a couple sick calves, running bovines out from the sunflower field (another break-in… this time due to an unclipped gate chain), and walking through the beef pasture with Padre. Now, seeing as the afternoon went slightly longer than intended, I am hurriedly typing out the remainder of this entry before journeying to Ipanema with Padre and Madre.
Final Note: The only ‘task’ remaining to this evening is a sumptuous repast of multiple meats at Ipanema along with some leisure time when we return. I will do my best to include pictures in tomorrow’s entry. In that regard, here is a picture of yesterday’s final meal.

*Not hornworms. They have been absent as of late. No, my breakfast for the past two mornings has consisted of a couple Magenta Magic Orach leaves and the same number of Malabar Summer Spinach leaves.
**It is working quite well; I now will be able to have the phone on the desk beside me when I work, and I won’t have to go outside to acquire enough bars for reading customer credit cards via Square.