(Above: An ole creepy spider Padre showed on our way back to old-house for the evening. Despite bearing a fearsome appearance, it was a docile specimen.)
Active Summary: This morning’s Jacobhouse activities consisted primarily of adding handles to the refrigerator and searching on the internet for drawers that would fit within the closet-wall. I was successful on both counts, and it was during the latter activity that I tended to / produced some exquisite barbecue sauce (more in TIL).
(7:40 PM Update): This afternoon, Madre brought more supplies down to Jacobhouse – one of which I have already implemented: the towel hanger for the bathroom. It was a simple stick-on installation but the adhesive is very impressive. I hung a towel on the hook, and then pulled on it to test the hook’s sturdiness. Even with what must have been 15-20 lbs of extra pressure, it felt as if the hook was going to break before the adhesive peeled off. It should also be noted that I ordered the drawers for Jacobhouse’s closet-wall this afternoon. Originally, I was going to get a set for beneath the subcounter in the kitchen, but that location actually looks like it will work quite well for large / frequently used pots.

TIL: Today I learned a little something extra by way of making homemade BBQ sauce. I utilized the same exact recipe as the one I wrote on September 27th except in two respects. First off, this batch was manufactured from fresh tomatoes rather than canned tomato sauce, and secondly, into this batch I poured 2 tbsp. liquid smoke (updated the recipe I posted on that day to reflect the change). The resultant flavor was sweet, tangy, spicy, and possessed just a tinge of hickory smoke.
Commentary: Today, I determined the big move-in shall occur on Monday or Tuesday of the coming week. This process will include transporting my office, bed, and piano down to Jacobhouse and then setting up my subsequent bedchamber and study. The reason I decided on these days, is because for the past couple mornings, I have been tending only to ‘little tasks’ (i.e. tasks that would be just as easy if not easier to tend to whilst living in my new abode).
As for highlights, I found a paper today. It was wrinkled up atop the heater I utilized during last winter when I was just beginning inside-work on Jacobhouse. As a matter of fact, I think this heater was probably mentioned in a few of my earliest posts. Either way, the paper warranted more than a photo, so I made a video:
Final Note: Over the past few days, I have been preparing to showcase my / Padre’s small business, Master Blend Cattle Company, at a local festival. Tomorrow morning is preparation day where I will pre-roast some short ribs for samples (and lunch) and then go down to the Harbison Farmers’ Market* and set up my booth. I will also likely procure the weekly vegetation while I am there.
*The location of ‘Fall Fest 2019‘.
Great to see an idea manifested into a palpable reality, you have you own piece of Walden I’d say.