Morning sun shining in through the east side of Jacob's container home.

Fitting the soffit (and more measurements).


(Above: Early morning sun shining into Jacobhouse and reflecting from the stainless walls.)

Building Summary: Today I started off by finishing the measurements of the bathroom walls and the closet-wall. This was followed by my calculating how many sheets of metal I would need to cover those spaces*. As a final activity for the morning (and my primary engagement), I installed the soffit aluminum that Charlie gave me. This included measuring, marking, and drilling holes both for the screws and for the wire that will end up running to the kitchen light.

Commentary: Except for when I visited with Padre early in the morning and when I drove around with him to check beefers, most of my time was spent within Jacobhouse. There, I planned and worked in the temperate and well lit environment of my container home. It really is quite a difference having those enormous panes of glass at the container’s east end letting in the dawn’s light. It creates a very ‘homey’ feeling, and allows me to see my way around much more easily.

In regard to commentary upon this morning’s tasks, the measuring was quite easy, and I was pleased to find that I would be able to cover the plywood walls at a fairly reasonable price of about $240.00. The soffit activity was a tad more challenging, but in the end, the lining up of the aluminum’s edges was much less difficult than lining up the cupboards’ edges. As for the final result, it appeared quit similar to what I expected: shiny and clean.

The soffit aluminum is now in place above the container home's kitchen.
The aluminum soffit… so fitting!

Final Note: Tomorrow I will likely be going to Home Depot with Madre to procure the ‘roofing’ metal. I also intend to bring a piece of wood from the cabinetry along so I can choose the flooring while we are there.

*I think I’ll need ~ 13-14 sheets. This is the metal I currently intend to use. I believe the galvanized appearance will pair quite well with Jacobhouse’s stainless steel, and if it doesn’t, I can always paint the sheets a different color. I already intend to make strips out of one of the sheets and paint them a different color (perhaps black) to act as molding.