[Above: Apparently, this gauge can tell me if I’m losing more Co2 than I should be. I will be checking it every day now (closed up two tiny leaks already).]

Active Summary: This morning began with writing, a beef pasture check with Padre, and calisthenic exercises*. This was ensued by more writing and then by a trip to Weber Family Farm where I procured eggs and Moo-Magic compost bags**. I next ventured to the Harbison Farm Market where I obtained the week’s vegetables and fruits. On returning home, I put all the groceries away, rinsed/set up a reserve Cornelius keg (a chilled vessel on standby for when the current keg of carbonated water is completely empty) in the mini-fridge within the freezer room, and prepared lunch.
(7:58 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with more writing, baking a couple loaves of barley bread***, tending to Master Blend correspondence, and taking a brief rest. This was followed by my helping with cattle-related activities, including: feeding/catching bovines, helping vaccinate eleven pregnant cows, checking the calves for ailments, and performing the duskly beef pasture check with Padre. Before heading in for the evening, I painted the third and final coats of primer onto the northern and eastern window frames, rolled a heavy coat of primer onto the northeast doors, and I refilled/finicked with the Seltzerator for a little while until I decided there were no leaks in the system.
Final Note: I have just returned to Jacobhouse after performing a quick tomato-inspection. No hornworms were found. Now I am going to complete the first draft of this entry before venturing over to the Studio for dinner.
*I have found that by delaying these exercises until after I have woken up a bit, there tends to be less procrastination when it comes to rising from bed in the morning.
** Recycled chicken-feed bags; each one saves me 30 cents (the cost of a new polypropylene bag).
***One for us and one for Charlie (the welder from early Jacobhouse days) who brought us the barley in the first place.