(Above: Collard leaves with the soap / alcohol / water mixture sprayed upon them.)
Active Summary: Today began with writing, a beef pasture check, and calisthenic exercises. I next wrote for another hour, prepared lunch (cucumber salad, burger-steak patties, and corn-on-the-cob), and mixed together a spray for the unfortunate collard greens’ leaves comprised of ½ cup rubbing alcohol, 1 tsp. Dawn dish soap, and 1 ¼ cups water. I poured the lattermost mixture into a spraybottle and commenced to coat the most heavily affected plants*. Afterward, I ventured to the Master Blend freezer room for a refreshing draught of seltzer, and then returned to Jacobhouse where I cooked up lunch.
(6:09 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with writing a tad more, resting, searching for a rolling pin and sharpening stone for the kitchen**, and then venturing outdoors to procure a piece of wood and make my own rolling pin. I did actually procure a couple pieces of fairly straight and soft wood, and after doing so, dragged a branch bristling with lush foliage out in the field for the Holstein heifers to eat (I also left the gaps open. Fortunately no bovines escaped).
After procuring wood, it was about time for cattle-related activities, but before I could help with any of that, two Master Blend customers showed up at the same time. I served both parties as effectively and efficiently as possible (they all left content, so that’s positive), and then helped out with: the feeding/catching of bovines for treatment and embryo transfer, making a bottle of electrolytes for an ailing calf, helping fix barbed wire fence, and checking calves in the barn for illness. To conclude the afternoon activities, I Segway’ed through the beef pasture with Padre, observing all the cattle as we drove.
Final Note: Padre, Madre, and I are about to go out to eat at Mesa De Notte. Pictures of the impending meal shall be posted below.
I really like it when individuals come together and share ideas.
Great website, keep it up!