(Above: The advancing fence of Jacobhouse’s vegetable garden.)
Active Summary: After the morningly Segway ride through the beef pasture, I returned to Jacobhouse and wrote for a productive hour. This was followed by my tending to school activities (signing up for a class at CF / submitting various personal informations), and then by my venturing outdoors to work on the garden fence. The lattermost activity was slow-going at first due to my needing to test and tease the remaining short length of welded-wire along the garden’s north side. Alas, the piece was not long enough, so I next procured and carried out a new roll.
It was after freeing / unfurling* the new roll of welded wire that I began to nail it to the post. Padre arrived shortly after I had begun with the second task and helped me quickly put up the northern section. Afterward, and after Padre had gone back to tend to farm activities, I finished off the morning work by digging a shallow trench from the garden’s southeast corner to the north east corner – a bit of work that will facilitate the level placement of welded-wire along the garden’s final side.
(7:37 PM Update): This afternoon I added another post to the garden area to ensure a spot for a rear-side gate**. Next, Padre and Wag helped me fasten wire along the lot’s east side, after which I ‘manicured’ it by nipping off all excess welded-wire. This was ensued by some time at the Padre Studio where I helped out with gluing a CPVC water stub-ins.
TIL: Today I learned the appropriate term for a high-speed cellular residential internet line. It is called ‘Mobile Broadband’, and knowing that term made today’s research far easier than it would have otherwise been. Saying all this, I still have not reached a verdict. Many cellular internet plans either bear too little data or far too expensive. The best thus far is still Netbuddy with its $65.00 unlimited 4g data.
Commentary: The weather, though warming up, has continued to maintain a very pleasant temperature. It is the sort of climate where one cannot help but want to go outside for a fair portion of the day. As for highlights, I have a couple to note. First off, while digging around the garden area this morning I found a tremendous number of large, healthy, and wriggly worms. This, in combination with full access to nigh unlimited amounts of composted cow manure, will be quite beneficial for the imminent vegetables.
Secondly, Madre and I procured today’s lunch from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. As always, the sushi was tremendous, being wrought of tender rice and fish that was both savory and flavorful. It made me want to create my own little rice-and-[fish or beef] morsels once again.
Final Note: Tomorrow, there shall be more fence work***, more write time, and some form of cooking shenanigans. Perhaps I shall bake some bread for Prosciutto, Tomato, and Basil sandwiches.
*And admittedly struggling with.
** There is a section beyond the garden that is partially sheltered from the sun/rain, and it may make for a fine beekeeping area.
***If the fence is finished this afternoon or in the morning hours, I will probably craft a couple gates for the mini-entrances at the north side.