The assembled and glued refrigerator stub-up in Jacob's container home.

Electrical planning, day 4. (Container coagulate)


Building Summary: Today I performed quite a wide variety of tasks, the most major of which included: turning over the cow-boards for more equal ‘finish’, neatening up Jacobhouse, gluing the refrigerator stub-up to the main cold water CPVC line, and of course, more electrical planning. Fortunately, I’m coming close to finishing the lattermost item. I think we may have Melvin of Advanced Electric & Security visit Jacobhouse pretty soon.

Commentary: It’s almost 9:00 PM here, and being that the Jacobhouse shenanigans occurred twelve or so hours earlier in the day, it’s sometimes difficult to remember specific highlights. Today is not such a case, for I have two ‘vivid’ bits to share. Unlike the usual posts where I post the highlights in chronological order, though, I think I’ll do it in order of ridiculousness, starting with the less ridiculous of the two.

The first highpoint is the fact that I finally got around to gluing the refrigerator stub-up to the main CPVC line. It’s not too major of an occurrence, of course, but there is something to be said about finally accomplishing that ‘little thing’ one walks past a multitude of times while thinking to himself, ‘Hm… I really should get to that at some point.’

The other point of interest that is recalled so vividly at this late hour is what I now refer to as ‘the container coagulate incident’. Indeed, as I was tidying up Jacobhouse, I saw some odd spots on the ceiling. They looked like drips of water but when I poked them with a finger, they were quite hard and perhaps even a tad crunchy. On discovering that they would be easy to remove, I fetched the putty knife and commenced to begin gently scraping at the protuberances.

Three of those odd ‘crunch-boogers’ (for lack of a better term) came off with ease. The fourth was not so easy. It was the fifth that was something special, for when I slid the knife under the fifth it exploded, showering me with… something. I still don’t know what it was. I just know it landed on my arms, hands, hair, face, and shirt. When I smelled it to make sure it was not some form of acid*, I smelled nothing. I sniffed again, and again smelled nothing. I decided at that point I should still probably go get that stuff off my skin, so that’s what I commenced to do.

Even now, hours later and after some research, I have no clue what that mysterious ‘container coagulate’ was made of.

Weird paste found on the ceiling of Jacob's container home.
Container Coagulate – noun: An odd, pasty fluid pocket that explodes at the slightest ‘poke’. Usually found on the ceiling of Jacobhouse.

Final Note: Tomorrow, I plan on adding more ‘floor-boards’ to Jacobhouse. I already plotted out the bed area today, so I will account for that as I measure and lay down the 2x4s.  

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