(Above: Tomato, zucchini, and summer squash slices arranged in rings within a cast iron skillet.)
Active Summary: This day I awoke at 6:35 AM to the sound of large raindrops pelting the roof of Jacobhouse. Routine activities ensued: calisthenic exercises, writing, and in an intermission between bouts of precipitation, a Segway ride around the beef pasture with Padre. I next checked on the Master Blend freezer room and found that all of the freezers were off due to a flipped breaker-switch*. After turning them back on I ventured back to Jacobhouse where I spent a some time preparing ratatouille for lunch. While the dish cooked in the oven, I made a couple loaves of French-style bread and wrote. I continued to write after the ratatouille was pulled out of the oven and as the bread cooked. The morning was concluded with a little bit of Master Blend website work and a delectable lunch.

Co2 attached to one hook-up, tap/bar-gun hose to the other, and water refill at the center. No motors; just water and carbon dioxide with the convenience of a tap.
(5:55 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included writing my final discussion reply for Macro-Economics, writing a portion of this entry, working a tad more on the Master Blend website, contacting Centurylink about a malfunctioning internet line**, and then venturing out to participate in cattle-related tasks (feeding / checking bovines for ailments). On returning to Jacobhouse for an hour’s break, I worked a little bit more on the Master Blend website charts, and I researched Cornelius kegs as a mode of water carbonation.
Final (7:37 PM) Update: I have just returned from the evening beef pasture check with Padre and am presently finishing up the day’s entry before eating a supper of left-over ham & mushroom fritatta and kale dunked in mustard. It is going to be delicious. Alas, with there being no land-line internet connection this evening I will not be able to game afterward, but I may be able to get a little extra work done on the Master Blend charts.
*Likely caused by yesterday’s brown-outs before the power outage. This is why I check the freezers every day.
** Fortunately, I still have the Visible hotspot for internet access.
As a ratatouilli recipient, I’ll simply say excellent