Building Summary: Today I started off by adding doors to all of the kitchen cabinets and cupboards. It took a while to get them all level with one another, but I still had enough time afterward to mount the bathroom’s two electrical boxes (for lighting).
In the afternoon, I spent a brief time at Jacobhouse, but during that thirty minute span I attached the vent hoses (via their draft dampers) to the 2×4 that separates the two brown vent outlets at the front entry, and I neatened up the bathroom area so I will have plenty of room to manipulate and begin hanging the plywood tomorrow.
Commentary: The mornings have been starting off as cool – usually in the low 70’s – but they have also been warming up very quickly. Fortunately, the portable A/C works exceedingly well at maintaining the container’s pleasant environment.
By way of highlights, I just want to mention that I’m very impressed by how the container house kitchen is turning out. Now, with all the cupboards fully assembled and with the appliances set, I’m seeing a true and perhaps more viable kitchen than I’m used to*. I think the next step in regard to this room will be purchasing a counter surface (and adding support to it’s far west side to the left of the washer/dryer unit).

Left is for the hall light and Right is for the bathroom’s fluorescent strip light.
Final Note: As mentioned in the building summary, tomorrow I plan on beginning the process of mounting plywood on the bathroom’s interior and exterior wall surfaces. This will entail my transporting a decent amount of ½” plywood sheets out to Jacobhouse, and then the classic ‘measure/mark/cut’ procedure. I look forward to having those planks up, because after that, I finally get to install the shower and see what it actually looks like!
*Today, Padre and I tested the ovenhood via lighting a little piece of pitch pine and holding it above the oven’s surface to simulate a smoking pan. The hood captured all the smoke without an issue, even when it was held out to the side a tad. This is a vast improvement from the in-stove vent that I’m used to.