(Above: Chuck steak and fresh salad – a delectable combination.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, writing, and a Segway ride through the beef herd with Padre. This was followed by my checking both gardens and then returning to Jacobhouse where I wrote for about 1.5 hours. I next tended to some Master Blend correspondence, rearranged another freezer’s-worth of beef, and then prepared lunch for today – a massive chuck steak – along with ingredients for tomorrow’s / Friday’s* lunch.
(7:06 PM Update:) This afternoon began with computer-related chores and some leisure time, the latter of which consisted partly of a rest in the Jacobhouse bed as it rained quite heavily (and palpably**) outside. Next, I ventured into the steamy and actually somewhat cool outdoors where I helped with a number of farm-related activities, including: checking the beef pasture for ailing calves, feeding a new Wagyu mother cow, and helping catch / treat a few sick calves. Afterward, I ventured to the freezer room where I took inventory notes on one of the freezers until it was time to check the beef pasture once again.
Final Note: On my return to Jacobhouse, I made bread dough for dinner and pastry dough for tomorrow’s / Friday’s lunch. Picture’s of this evening’s bread will be shown in tomorrow’s entry. As for special activities, neither of the customers I expected today arrived, so at least one of them will be showing up in the morning. Other than that, I believe it will be a somewhat normal day.
*Involved the slicing of 1 eggplant, 2 zucchini, 2 summer squash, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 shallot, and 5 cloves of garlic. I also grated a stick of frozen butter for incorporation into some pastry dough.
**I could feel the precipitation-induced vibrations through the walls of my home.
Quite the office view you have.