(Above: Padre and Jacob reflected in the fully caulked sliding glass door.)
Building Summary: Today I did not get down to Jacobhouse until 8:30 AM due to heavy morning showers. Once there, however, I quickly finished caulking Wall #6, checked to see if fine-grit sandpaper would work to take off excess (cured) caulk, and with Padre’s help, I cut the 3 3/16” length of 2″ pipe for the shower drain. More rain arrived soon after, so I was unable to begin cutting plywood for the interior wall nor spray-foam the plenitude of indoor crevices (need ventilation for that).

(6:08 PM Update:) Ended up going back to the farm and spray-foaming most of the interior of Wall #6. Sadly, I ran out of foam before finishing. I also installed the dimmer switch in the bedroom, and took a short, refreshing nap on my rather sizeable kneeling pad. Will likely include a picture from this update in tomorrow’s post.
Commentary: I believe it is safe to say that Florida’s springtime drought has ended. Along with this fact, I have learned why rain is such a hindrance to construction. Anything that has to be done outside is at the mercy of the clouds… and that includes various indoor projects that require outdoor resources such as ‘space’ and ‘air’. I can’t rightly cut plywood while it is raining, after all. Well… I could, but I’m not sure what the circular saw with its old cracked cord would have to say about it.

On a hopeful note, I did complete my creative writing time this morning, so if I see an opening in the weather throughout today’s remainder, I will seize the opportunity and go to work on Jacob-house.
Final Note: Tomorrow, if I am unable to do it later today, I will spray-foam the interior of Wall #6. Then, if it doesn’t look like it is going to pour, I’ll cut the plywood for that same wall.