The almost fully caulked posterior of Jacob's container home.

Caulking Wall #6 (and quickly).


(Above: The almost fully caulked Wall #6.)

Building Summary: Today I caulked almost the entire exterior of Wall #6. I covered every crevice except for the one that exists right above the sliding glass doors and the one that resides between the bottom PVC frame-board and the container’s base. I would have finished, but rain forced me indoors. There, instead of merely waiting for the weather to pass, I collected plywood measurements for Wall #6’s interior, and I also prepared the shower stall for drain installation (consisted of unfastening it from the 2×6 spacer-board and moving it out from the bathroom wall).

Making measurements for the shower drain.
Tools utilized in making measurements for the length of 2″ pipe running between the shower and sewer line. (3 3/16″)

Commentary: There were two events of especial interest this morning. The first does not have to do with Jacobhouse but instead with the grocery trip that came before. Now that I think on it, I believe it was the first time I had ever gone on a solo grocery store run, and it was most certainly the first time I had ventured to complete such an errand so early in the morning. I arrived at Winn Dixie at 7:00 AM and consequently was the only one in the store aside from the employees. This made for some very tranquil and efficient* proceedings – and so, yet another benefit of rising early is revealed.

The second bit of commentary I have is in regard to caulking. I’m not yet the most proficient at the task, and that can really only mean one thing in this case: I’m a bit messy. Today, my beads/lines were uneven, so I used my fingers to even them out – a method which unfortunately resulted in some of the caulk being spread out onto the flashing. Ordinarily, this would not be a problem because I am going to be painting over the flashing anyway, but silicone caulk is nearly unpaintable. I’m still not sure how I’m going to fix it, but I am sure that I will.

(Update:) I have since looked up what I should do in cases of messy silicone application, and it seems that the best solution is to simply cut / sand off the offending regions of caulking.  

Approaching thunder storm on the western horizon (seen via Jacob on his morning beef-cow break).
Bonus Image: This is the approaching storm-front Padre and I witnessed as we were returning from our beefer check.

Final Note: Tomorrow I will likely finish caulking Wall #6’s exterior***, and then I shall inject sprayfoam into the interior’s deep crevices. After both of those tasks have been completed, I’ll move on to marking and cutting the plywood pieces needed to cover up that postern wall.

*It was the first time I had ever seen no one at any of the check out lanes… including clerks. They did get to me quickly, though.

** Partly due to lack of skill and partly due to my hurrying on account of a rapidly approaching thundershower.

*** May also take time to sand off the sections of I made a mess of today.