(Above: Calfpusher MK II, equipped with a knee pad and hand-guard.)
Active Summary: This day began with the morningly regimen which was ensued by additional writing, macroeconomics work, and then by about 2 hours of noodle-preparation. Lunch was eaten at about 12:45 PM; there are pictures of the repast below today’s commentary.
(7:41 PM Update:) This afternoon’s activities began with my placing a $25.00 order to Southern Exposure Seed Exchange* and working on a little bit more Macroeconomics, both of which were ensued by many cattle-related activities, including: attempted fabrication of a magnetic gate-latch, feeding bovines, placing a cow and her big ole Belgian Blue baby in the shade-lot, and successful fabrication of the Calf-Pusher MK2**. Now I am typing up today’s entry while waiting for a sweet potato to cook in the oven.
TIL: Today I learned how to store fresh noodles without drying them. To do so, one must coat a cluster of noodles with flour, lift and drop them a few times to ensure each strand is coated, form a neat pile, package it in a ziploc sandwich bag, and gently place it in the freezer. Then, when it is time to cook the noodles, one simply needs to get a pot of water/broth boiling and then drop the frozen noodle clusters directly into the pot. The cook time only increases by about 1 minute from the 2-4 that is required when the noodles are fresh.
Commentary: Well, seeing as I did not have anything aside from school scheduled for this morning, I decided to go about making some noodles. This was not an ordinary undertaking where I utilize 3 cups flour. No, I instead doubled the amount so as to make enough for an extra meal or two. What commenced was two hours of kneading, cranking, separating (the noodles), cleaning, and then cooking – the latter of which was conjoined with about 30 minutes of lunch-fare. Lunch today was simple – baked salt & pepper ‘pink’-fish and sautéed rapini atop a bed of butter & blackpepper noodles – and as can be seen below, it was glorious.

Final Note: Again, the only scheduled item on the agenda for tomorrow is Macroeconomics work.
*Last time, I was a little bit wary of spending so much for seeds, but Jacobhouse’s garden has more than paid off, and not only that, I was able to acquire varieties of plants that are commonly not found in typical stores. This time around, I have chose some more special plants… all of which shall be revealed when the packets arrive.
** A tool utilized to push reluctant calves through the vaccination chute without injury.