Building Summary: Today I reversed the direction of the pocket door hang-rail, glued together the shower P-trap, and measured/marked/&cut the pieces of plywood that go over the walking surface in front of the bathroom sink and onto the frame where that vanity will sit. However, I do still need to ‘notch and hole’ the latter board to make room for the two water stub-ups and the drain.
Commentary: It was a busy morning today, and not only in the realm of Jacobhouse. Fortunately, as shown in the building summary above, I did still manage to make some forward progress*.
Now, as to the extra bit of business, there were multiple sources: a beef order for Master Blend, some compost bag filling, mushroom filming**, and the one I specifically wanted to mention here: the creation of a baking steel. This lattermost item made it onto the list when I pulled the recently procured pizza stone out of the oven and found that I had only pulled out half. (It was cracked… turns out that I’m not supposed to get any form of juice or grease onto the stone, because it causes the tile to expand unevenly and break).
Knowing that I am not always able to prevent juices from eeking out of my pizzas or calzones, I had to figure out a way that I’d be able to heat them at ultra high temperatures while not using a fragile piece of masonry. It was after a brief Google search that I found baking-steels – slabs of metal that act much alike to pizza stones***. And they don’t crack. Unfortunately, these ‘steels’ cost a bit, with the least expensive I saw being $90.00.
So, my side-project at the Jacobhouse worksite today was finding a piece of metal to fashion into a baking steel. Padre and I found an old piece of industrial metal in the garage by my Uncle Wag’s house, and I commenced to cut it, de-rust it (using a wire brush and special wire-brush bit on the cordless drill), and Padre helped me by grinding down the edges so they were no longer sharp. Now, as can be seen in the image below, I have a baking steel ready to accept any sort of juicy pizza or calzone I place upon it. Results shall make it into a post in the near future.
Final Note: Tomorrow morning, I will likely finish ply-wooding the bathroom floor. If there is still time afterward, I will retrieve a sheet of ½” plywood from the white pickup and see about fastening it to the kitchen’s eastern wall.
*That is a highlight in its own right: actually making progress on a morning like today’s. I did have to eat a late lunch, but it was well worth it. In the extra hour that I was down at the farm, I made $80.00 Jacobhouse funds via selling manure bags, and it was also during that time the two pieces of plywood for the bathroom were cut.
** Will likely make it into the Twitter feed later tonight.
*** Except supposedly they can give pizza and even crispier crust.