A refurbished air-conditioner orifice.


(Above: New seating for the office air-conditioner.)

Active Summary: Today began quite early – around 3:30 AM – with my awakening to very heavy rainfall. I eventually fell back asleep and resumed the day at dawn with an early morning regimen of calisthenics, a beef pasture ride-around with Padre*, and a hefty bit of writing. After this I tended to the weekly Jacobhouse cleaning, began writing a letter for a Master Blend Cattle Company email campaign, performed some Findwalden.com maintenance, and prepared a russet potato and a yellow onion for baking.

(8:05 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included a lunch of Aneta’s leftovers**, finishing / revising the Master Blend email I began this morning,  and tending to a few cattle-related tasks. The lattermost entailed: washing manure off a concrete slab with a large hose, catching a cow for breeding, capturing calves for vaccination (5 of them), and checking the beef pasture for ailing animals. After all this, I set about replacing some rotten wood around the air-conditioner at the farm office. The activity consisted of removing the appliance from the window, cleaning it via pressurized air, cutting a couple new boards for re-seating, and re-seating the appliance with Padre’s aid.

Final Note: After returning from the evening beef pasture check, I made a big ole batch of potatoes au gratin. These contained potato, sauteed onion, garlic, prosciutto, cheddar cheese, coconut cream (no milk available), and eggs. Right now they are cooking and smell downright delicious. I also made a cucumber salad to go with them.

*Performed early on account of impending rain.

**Along with the aforementioned potato and onion.