A frame for the freezer room (and pizzas).


(Above: The pizzas I made for lunch with scissors for scale.)

Active Summary: This morning began with an early regimen of calisthenics, writing, washing clothes, and a beef pasture check. I followed this with a number of in-Jacobhouse tasks, including: putting clothes on the line outside*, feeding Doug**, preparing pizza dough / toppings, writing for about one more hour, and calling a couple Master Blend customers. After that, I finally made my way outdoors where I put together a few beef orders before returning to Jacobhouse and making two pizzas for lunch: a shortrib/BBQ/mushroom and a garlic/mushroom.  

(5:50 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included a pizza coma which lasted nearly double its intended length, tending to the Master Blend beef website, and then my venturing outside to begin working on a frame for the north window of the freezer room***. At 3 PM, I began to participate in cattle-related activities which included: feeding bovines, catching a couple embryo-recipient cows with Padre & Wag, and checking calves for ailments. After that, I tended to miscellaneous tasks such as cleaning my building supplies out of Madre’s future office / residence container and tending to another Master Blend order.

(7:53 PM Update:) I have just returned from the evening ride-around. During our ride, I got yet another Master Blend Beef order – the largest one yet since Corona shenanigans began. So, before stepping into Jacobhouse I put together the order and invoice. Now I am finishing up today’s entry while sweet potatoes bake for dinner.

Final Note: Tomorrow, along with performing the weekly Jacobhouse cleaning and some school, I intend to continue construction on the Master Blend freezer room’s north window frame. It looks like it will be a fairly simple task.

*The dryer portion of the Magic Chef is functional, but drying outside is far more energy efficient, and I don’t have to listen to the machine running for 2-3 hours.

** This is what I named my Sourdough starter. I used some of Doug’s ‘leavings’… or should I say ‘leavenings’ for lunch’s pizza dough today.

*** I ripped a 2x4x8 down the center and intend to make 2 frames from the resulting 2x2s. The acrylic sheet I ordered from Home Depot a while back will be sandwiched between the two frames, allowing for fluctuations in size within different temperatures.