[Above: Duroc pork chops from La Cuisine (sous vide then seared on a skillet). Served with arugula (I think) and Béchamel sauce.]
Active Summary: Today I began with the early morning regimen of calisthenics, clothes washing, and writing. This was ensued by a beef pasture check and then by Padre, Wag, and I IV’ing a calf. Afterward, I returned to Jacobhouse where I wrote for 45 minutes longer, contacted Nettles about a beef order, and performed the weekly cleaning of my abode. I next ventured outside and prepared / moved 12 Moo-Magic bags down to the compost stand with Padre’s aid, measured / marked a couple boards for the freezer room’s north window frame, and then set about preparing lunch.

(1:33 PM Update:) After lunch, I made / took a series of phone calls. The first two were to La Cuisine of Ocala and Aneta’s Bistro whereupon I placed a few orders for take-home food*. This was followed by a phone call from a fellow who desired 10 packages of ground beef. Now, I am presently updating this entry before resting. There is soon going to be 3-4 people here to pick up Master Blend orders.
(6:03 PM Update:) Since last writing, I have tended to 4 different Master Blend orders, worked a little bit more on the freezer room’s north window frame, helped with various farm activities (cow catching / feeding / checking the fields for ailing calves), and went to town with Madre to deliver some items to Goodwill before picking up food at La Cuisine and Aneta’s Bistro. Both of these restaurants seemed to appreciate our patronage, for they went above and beyond with the food they provided. The first slideshow is the food we procured from La cuisine. The second picture is the food we procured from Aneta’s.

Two of the salads are ready for eating. Two of them are for tomorrow (Aneta made some fresh just for us.)

(8:12 PM Update:) I have just gotten in from helping Padre complete a herd health check and IV’ing another sick/dehydrated calf. I prepared a salad for dinner, toasted some bread, and now I’m writing the remainder of this entry before heading over to the studio for dinner.
Final Note: Tomorrow – or at least tomorrow morning – is an unplanned day. Saturday used to be a leisure morning, but by classifying it as such, I was limiting myself to only leisure-related activities. Now, as an unplanned morning, I can do whatever I wish whether it be active or leisure related.
Tasty food and a blog much appreciated today.