(Above: A delicious tray of sushi from the Bistro. [From front to back: spicy salmon, Alaska roll, and eel/avocado roll.])

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenic exercises, a little bit of writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. This was ensued by my returning to Jacobhouse. Along the way I ripped some shockingly large and tenacious caterpillars off of Garden #2’s tomato plants*. At Jacobhouse, I completed a number of chores, wrote some more, and then tended to a few Master Blend customers. To conclude the morning, I wrote some more in the freezer room and then ventured to Ocala with Madre to procure a delectable lunch from Sushi Bistro.
(7:25 PM Update:) This afternoon began with a brief repose and then by my performing about an hour’s worth of putting orders together, Master Blend correspondence, and inventory management. I next helped with a number of cattle-related activities (feeding / catching / weaning a couple young bovines, helping Padre transfer embryos into a couple full grown cows, checking the fields for ailing calves, and performing the evening beef pasture check). I next returned to the freezer room where I tended to even more Master Blend correspondence and prepared cut-sheets for the next animals we are sending to the Nettles harvest facility.
Final note: Now that I have written most of this day’s entry, I’m going to go flip the Master Blend sign over, sweep the freezer room’s floor, tend the garden for a few minutes, and then cook up something delicious for dinner. An omelet is sounding quite delicious right around now.
*I searched for the hornworms after finding that few of the tomato plants’ leaves had been eaten. Somehow, there ended up being six of the sizeable creatures (about the length of my pinky finger and somewhat fatter). Now, I’ll be checking all the tomato plants each morning. In regard to what I did with them, it seemed like a waste to simply crush some nutritious caterpillars, so I instead fed them to the cows. Also, I attempted to take pictures earlier, but none of them turned out clear. Fortunately and unfortunately, I will likely have more chances to do so.
Worms horning in on your tomato plants…. at least the 5 or 6 found today will not be anymore