(Above: The office light, switch, and paneling installed on Closet-wall’s east side.)
Preface: Today was quite a long and unorthodox day. It is getting late, and there is much to cover, so I apologize for lackluster sentence structure and grammatical errors.
Building Summary: Today I started by once more driving the big white pickup out to Jacobhouse and setting up metal for cutting. Later on, after checking beefers and performing some writing time*, I returned to the work site and measured / marked / cut the prepared metal piece for the east side of closet-wall (had to knock out holes for the electrical boxes).

This was followed by a trip to Rural King where, with Padre’s help, we found excellent aluminum trim/border to cap where the roof paneling meets with the edge of all the plywood. They did not have enough there for every corner, but Padre went about having the store manager order ~10 more lengths**. We also obtained a couple hundred more ½” rivets, and about 12 tubes of DAP caulking (always good to have some on hand).
After a very enjoyable out-to-eating at Ocala’s Latinos Y Mas, I did not return to Old-house. Instead, I went to Jacobhouse and continued to work there for about 1.5 hours, during which I fastened the piece of metal I had cut earlier to the wall with rivets (slightly difficult to line up due to the ceiling’s slight warp) and then mounted the electrical switch and faceplate.
Farm time ensued, and then more Jacobhouse work – a span of 45 minutes where I readjusted the switch face plate (scored and removed some protruding metal to make the plate sit more evenly) and installed the office light.
Commentary: As has likely been noted from summary above, quite a lot of progress was made today at Jacobhouse – even more than usual – and that in itself is its own highlight. Aside from that, though, I would say there were two more primary highlights. The first was the trip Padre, Wag, and I took to Latinos y Mas of Ocala – a venture described and pictured in today’s corresponding Twitter post.
The second event of uniquity was my after-town visit to Jacobhouse. I worked a good hour or so affixing the Galvalume panel on Closet-wall’s eastern portion, and during that time, it was becoming darker and darker outside with flashes of lightning and rumblings of thunder growing simultaneously more frequent and nearer. By the time my 3 o’ clock came around, I was feeling pretty drowsy, so I took that time to rest, and what a rest it was!
I laid upon my chair-cushion / kneeling pad and used my morning clothes as a pillow. Then, I rested, being lulled into a half-sleep half-trance state by the portable A/c’s cooling breeze, the sounds of approaching thunder, and the vibrations of those resonances emanating through the container’s sturdy hull. Even though Jacobhouse is not yet finished, there was something especially cozy/homey about those twenty minutes of respite.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I will work on and likely install the Wall #5’s west-side galvalume paneling.
*An odd order of events caused by visitors to Old-house (They were taking pictures for the sale of that big ole place. I didn’t want to be sold along with the house, so I stayed away while they were present).
**The results of this endeavor shall be checked on Monday.